Treatment Options For Melasma: Best Dermatologist In HSR Layout

best dermatologist in HSR Layout
There are certain skin conditions that are not really harmful to you directly but may still affect your confidence owing to their appearance. One such common condition is melasma. In this article we are going to explain everything you need to know about melasma, including treatment options from one of the best dermatologist in HSR Layout, Bangalore.

What is melasma?

Melasma is a skin condition that is usually characterized by brown or blue-grey patches or freckle-like spots on the skin. Since melasma is caused by sun exposure, most people experience this condition during the summer season. Melasma is non-cancerous, however, there are more serious conditions that can mimic melasma. So always consult a dermatologist if you find any unusual change in your skin. Melasma is long-lasting with people experiencing the condition for a few months to several years. 

How do we identify melasma?

Here are the typical characteristics of melasma:


  • Melasma usually appears on all the sun-exposed parts of your body including cheeks, chin, forehead, upper lip, and nose. Rarely, it can also come up in your neck, arms, and back.
  • It will be in the form of brown or blue-grey patches.
  • Melasma does not develop overnight. It takes weeks or even months to develop.
  • It is usually flat.
  • It does not itch or cause any pain.

What causes melasma?

You might already know this – our skin comprises three layers viz. epidermis, which is the outermost layer, dermis, the middle layer, and subcutis, the deepest layer. The epidermis layer contains cells called melanocytes. They typically produce and store melanin, the pigment responsible for skin darkening. When your skin is exposed to UV radiation or there is a hormonal fluctuation, the melanocytes become hyperactive. It ends up producing more melanin. Unfortunately, this overproduction is not distributed evenly, resulting in the formation of irregular and dark patches on different areas of your body. 


Interestingly, melasma is more common among women than men. In fact, 9 out of 10 persons who experience melasma are women. Pregnant women have a higher likelihood of experiencing this skin condition owing to the hormone fluctuation they experience throughout pregnancy. And that’s why melasma is also known as the mask of pregnancy. 

How to prevent melasma?

Since one of the causes of melasma is regular exposure to sunlight, you can prevent it by staying out of direct sun or wear sunscreen regularly. It is difficult to prevent melasma that is caused due to pregnancy and genes as they are related to hormon fluctuations. If you think you are prone to get melasma, you can avoid the following activities – 


  • Undergoing hormone treatments, specifically ones that involve estrogen.
  • Taking oral contraceptive pills that contain estrogen and progesterone.
  • Spending too much time on television, laptop, cell phone and tablet.
  • Makeup you find irritating to your skin.
  • Taking medications that may cause melasma.
  • Bathing using scented soaps.
  • Using skin care products or makeup that irritate your skin.
  • Using tanning beds.
  • Waxing the skin

Treatment options for melasma

While prevention is better than cure when it comes to skin conditions, there are several treatment options in case you experience melasma. First, and foremost you need to visit an experienced dermatologist. He/She will examine your skin and confirm it is indeed melasma and not some other condition. If required, they may even perform a biopsy of your skin to completely eliminate all the doubts. In case it is melasma, the dermatologist will measure the severity of the condition and start treatment accordingly. 


Somed dermatologists will prescribe topical medications. These medicines typically use tyrosinase inhibitors to prevent the formation of new pigments and stop the production of melanin. Some other helpful agents in topical medicines include azelaic acid, cysteamine, hydroquinone, and tretinoin. 


If topical medicines don’t work, your dermatologist will recommend chemical peel treatment or laser treatment. 


Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which causes the outermost layers to exfoliate and eventually peel off. This process removes damaged skin cells and encourages the growth of new, healthier skin. Peels help to remove the top layers of skin where excess melanin accumulates, reducing the appearance of dark patches.


Laser treatment, on the other hand, uses concentrated light energy to target and break down the excess melanin in the skin. The body’s natural healing process then absorbs and eliminates the fragmented pigment, leading to a more even skin tone.

Get treatment from the best dermatologist in HSR Layout

If you find any changes in your skin or suspect melasma, then do not wait. Reach out your dermatologist straight away, who can diagnose and identify the best course of action for your condition. If you are in HSR Layout, then you can consult Dr. Renu Nair, who is the best dermatologist in HSR Layout and has over 10 years of experience treating melasma and other skin conditions. Book an appointment with her now. 

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